How I Manifested a Happy and Loving Relationship

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Just a few years back, I was in a very unhappy place. I was heartbroken, lonely, unsupported and wondered how and if I would ever be in a stable relationship that was healthy, happy, and filled with love. That is, until I made some inner shifts. Here’s how I managed to manifest a new relationship that is healthy, happy, and loving:

1. I got really comfortable with being alone.
I made it a goal to enhance my most important relationship of all: my relationship with myself. I learned how to enjoy my own company, I learned how to better notice and regulate my own emotions, I learned what I need to do to make myself happy, and I became the master of my own self-care.

I discovered what I needed to do in order to best help me rather than others. I have found that being more tuned-in with myself I am much better able to get my own needs met for myself, rather than to fall into my old habit of expecting others to meet my needs.

For Saturday-Monday, July 2-4, free parking availability near the downtown will increase by over 400 spaces with the opening of a parking area just west of U.S. 1 on King St.

Located at the corner of W. King St. and Hartshorn St. (click here for a map), the lot is approximately one mile, a 20 minute walk, to the Bayfront. There is no shuttle service available to or from the W. King St. lot.

The Historic Downtown Parking Facility located at the Visitors Information Center (click here for a map) can accommodate 1,200 vehicles. The rate is $12 per car per entry.

Parking in city owned lots and on-street is free on Sundays and on July 4, as it is on all federal holidays, with the largest concentration of surface parking located on Granada St. behind the Lightner Building (click here for a map).

Parking in the lot at the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument is not free and is enforced by the National Park Service from 8:00am – 5:00pm, seven days a week, including Sundays and federal holidays.

Last modified: February 21, 2025