People who prefer to spend time on their hobbies and earn less are happier than people who like to work longer hours for big pay packets, a study has found.
Spending time in more ‘meaningful ways’ on pastimes, with family or exercising leads to greater feelings of well-being, researchers found.
They suggest that if people want to focus more on their time and less on money they should work fewer hours, pay someone to do chores like cleaning the house, or volunteer with a charity.

Pitchers and Catchers (and Everyone Else) Report! WP Youth Baseball practice starts the week of April 11. Games are Monday through Thursday evenings starting May 9th, the season runs through June 30,

The WP Youth Baseball program offers four levels for area youth to enjoy America’s pastime.  .

  • T-Ball for pre-K 5 year olds/Kindergarten
  • Single A (Coach Pitch): 1st, 2nd & skills based 3rd grade
  • Double A (Player Pitch): Skill based 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade
  • Triple A (Player Pitch): 6th, 7th & 8th grade.

Teams play at WP City Park (North end of Hillcrest Street), Walford and College Community campus. All Ely baseball teams participate in the Prairie Youth Baseball League. Players need a glove; plastic cleats are optional and metal cleats are prohibited.

Last modified: February 21, 2025