The key to success at work is being happy — not the other way around, says Shawn Achor (TED Talk: The happy secret to better work). To learn more about his positive philosophy of the workplace, meet the people who laid the groundwork for his thinking, in this list of must-read books and articles on happiness.

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Commission meetings are held in the Forum of City Hall on Tuesday evenings. The required legislative meetings begin at 7 pm. More information regarding the City Commission can be found here.

Learned Optimism

Martin E. P. Seligman
Vintage, 2006

“The book and the author that launched positive psychology.”

You can also watch Seligman introduce this concept in 2023.

Fusce elementum felis nec velit porttitor, sit amet efficitur nisi egestas. Sed non urna eget ligula scelerisque consectetur. Nulla varius metus leo, sed ullamcorper lectus fringilla quis. Ut tempor, eros quis porta porta, magna lectus bibendum nunc, ac viverra nibh urna placerat purus. Morbi justo neque, egestas non tincidunt nec, convallis egestas arcu. Morbi nibh tellus, ornare in tempus non, vestibulum at neque. Praesent dapibus luctus erat nec viverra.

Nunc ac nulla quis ligula ornare ultrices in in sem. Etiam ut placerat nulla. Suspendisse scelerisque accumsan gravida. Proin scelerisque arcu imperdiet velit volutpat, eget finibus urna pharetra. Sed pretium tincidunt lectus, sit amet dapibus elit rutrum sed. Proin ut mattis leo, ac tristique orci. Nunc pretium massa id finibus blandit. Phasellus ut augue vitae risus tempor auctor. Proin finibus ultrices metus, dictum finibus elit vestibulum nec. Mauris et dui sit amet massa tempor interdum. Donec non nulla dapibus nibh egestas maximus ac quis urna.

Last modified: November 3, 2023